Abstract - The Information Society 2 (3)

Machine-Mediated Instruction for Work-Force Training and Education/Comments

Edward A Friedman and Fred W Weingarten

Workers are increasingly dealing with new technologies in the workplace, requiring them to become more scientifically and technically literate. They must be trained for the new types of jobs brought about by automation, but current educational systems have not met this need. However, information technology offers a variety of machine-mediated instructional forms that may be used for workforce training and education. These are discussed in detail, along with examples of application, including: 1. interactive videodiscs, 2. satellite communication systems, 3. videotex and teletext services, 4. simulator systems, and 5. intelligent computer-aided instruction (CAI) systems. Further development of educational technologies for worker training will require the coordinated efforts of government, universities, and industry. Weingartencomments that, while educational technologies have been shown to be effective, they may best be used outside of traditional educational institutions. Moreover, such efforts cannot replace traditional education.

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